Creating safe
Food safety is of the utmost importance in all GKM kitchens. Below you will see an outline of some of the steps we take to keep our kitchens safe. If you have any additional requests you would like us to make, we are happy to create a customized plan for your facility.
Proper Handwashing Practices
All of our kitchen staff wear single-use gloves while handling ready-to-eat food. Proper handwashing takes place before and after glove use. Proper handwashing requires wetting the hands and arms with water, applying soap, scrubbing hands and arms for at least 20 seconds, rinsing thoroughly, and then drying with a single-use paper towel or hand dryer. Our staff is also required to wash their hands after participating in any of these activities:
- Using the Restroom
- Leaving and returning to the kitchen/prep areas
- Clearing tables or busing dirty dishes
- Taking out the garbage
- Handling chemicals that might affect food safety
- Handling raw meat, poultry, or seafood
- Touching clothing, aprons, hair, face or body
- Eating or drinking
- Handling money
- Touching phones, computers, or any personal items
- Sneezing, coughing, or using a tissue
Increased Cleaning and Sanitizing Practices
GKM kitchen staff are also extensively trained in cleaning and sanitizing practices which are based on the U.S. National Restaurant Association health safety standards. Cleaning logs and checklists that detail the cleanliness expectations of your facility are required from staff daily. Management closely monitors these checklists to ensure your facility is safe and sanitary. All routine cleaning and sanitizing schedules have increased in frequency, especially targeting high-traffic areas such as door handles, countertops, tabletops, and chairs.
Food Safety Certified Staff
All Unit Managers and above maintain a current ServSafe Manager certification. Support staff holds a ServSafe certification or a food handler’s card.
Employee-Only Kitchen Access
To minimize the risk of spreading germs to our employees or unknowingly to a kitchen surface or food item, only GKM employees are allowed in our kitchens. Additionally, all vendors follow explicit instructions for drop-off deliveries to minimize their contact in the facility. Delivered goods are carefully unpacked and sanitized (when possible) to help eliminate any chances of spreading unknown contamination.